Wednesday, February 8, 2012

putting down the sticks

so ive quite smoking been three days. and now my xbox mike breaks so im gonna take it as a sign to start getting things back in order. its only gonna motivated me to get back working out and get me another job. i will be back on soon for sure and will still make time for playing with my special friends. just wont be as much. i believe every thing happens for a reason and i will admit i have spent to much time just waiting for something to knock me back to what i used to be before i lost my job and ended my last relationship. nothing has happened so its time to make something happen it starts today lets go and get it done.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

yeah im a softy

so i dont know if you ever check this thing any more so i dont know when you will get this but its the only way i know how to contact you... i am sorry brittany for the way i acted and some of the things i said and didnt do.i never truly apologized for it in hine sight. but im honestly the most sorry for going from everything you want in a man to something you felt you must run from. i actually did try and go see you to give you what things of yours i still have unfortantly i failed at this attempt to see you and missed you. but i also wanted to see you to say goodbye in person and to tell you that if you want to be apart of my life you can and i would hope to have the opportunity to be apart of yours. cause i honestly still care about i know we dont always get a chance to make things right in this world. i dont know what i mean to you or how you feel about me although i would like to. however i honestly dont expect to ever know its something i have came to terms with. i wish things were different but i hold nothing against you. i want you to know i have no hate, anger or ill wish towards you nor do i feel as if you have broken showed me love and how to love. you showed me what it takes to be someones everything and how it feels to have some one else be your everything. you showed me heart break and how to grow and in the end i will be better because of it .i hope that when you look back on us you wont see heartache but somthing that was good and was pure i know thoose are the memories i will hold on to. i know these words may not do any good but i hope they can and i hope they dont bring you any pain cause pain is something i wanted to take away from your life. so my number is still the same 214 245 7335 if you want to get ahold of me ill be there. im proud of you for chasing your dreams and heading to cali brittany i hope you find some solid ground and peace with success cause honestly you deserve it and much more. i still do believe that God blessed are broken roads and thats how we found one another.Orson Welles once wrote "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story". an our story is more than likely over, we seem to be just a chapter in each others life story not the conclusion, but i will have to admit i hope our story hasnt ended because your you and there is not another soul on this earth like you. its why i gave you that cross and always called you my one and only . i dont know how i know that its just something i know. no matter how much time pass or where you are in this world brittany kay you will have a place and a piece of my heart always and forever 

sincerely Gerald E Walker